9biZApp Framework Version 2.0.2 Release


9_OPZ #Certified CoderZ has just released version 2.0.2 of the 9biZApp Framework on Github. The 9biZApp Framework is a collection of  software tools, libraries, and frameworks utilized to power rich, robust and data driven cloud applications. The 9biZApp is the engine that powers Bo$$ AppZ, which are business-to-customer based applications built for the Boss on the Go! The framework also powers banking, health-care, and retail. The creator of 9biZApp is Brandon ‘Tank9’ Poole Sr, Founder of 9_OPZ #Certified CoderZ.
The App PowerZ many high end companies in various categories from 
The 9biZApp Framework consists of 4 parts:

Data Access Service

NoSQL Data Access Layer



Mail Service    

Send mail outbound service

Amazon SES

Photo Service

Image resize and save to cloud service.

Amazon S3

Common Utility  ToolZ

Common Utility Scripts for common app dev needs.

Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful and productive day!
9_OPZ #Certified CoderZ
Here to Elevate!


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